Training Session Update
By Bob Mastroianni

Crosser's - they say crossers are one of the most challenging targets on the clays course.  

In the beginning, the training session this past Saturday was no different.  We worked on right to left crossers from 20 to 40 yards.  With 4 students of all different skill levels and back grounds in shooting the one question I kept hearing was "Where did I miss?"  If you remember anything, remember this "Where the target is missed is not as important as WHY it is missed". 

So Saturday we focused on the Why's not the Where's.  Everyone that attended Saturday's training session started off by asking where.  There are 4 ways to miss a target and I heard them all.  In a short amount of time everyone stopped asking where and instead they were telling me WHY they missed.  We had one student hit 15 out of 16 targets at 40 yards.  That same student told me exactly why he missed, then turned around and fixed what he did wrong.  That's not an accident when you can hit 15 out of 16 targets at 40 yards.  This all comes down to the one thing that everyone that competes should be looking for "Consistency". 

It's pretty simple;
         Step 1 - Make the correct move to break the target.
         Step 2 - Repeat Step 1.

Sounds pretty easy right?  Most of you know that it's easier said than done.  But with the proper training and good sound basic fundamentals you CAN do the same thing over and over again and you can do it with "Consistency".  Our training sessions give you that "Consistency".  Come try one of our training sessions today.  See below for our schedule.

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Break Point Management Shooting School